Sunday, March 11, 2007

2007 Pricing

It's so hard for me to decide what are fair reasonable prices for me to charge for my photography services. For 2007, I've reevaluated my pricing to fairly compensate myself for the time spent with consultation, photographing, post production editing, ordering and preparing final product for delivering. I think I've simplified it a little for you, black and whites are now the same price as color prints. So here goes......

4 wallets $6
5x7 and smaller $9
8x10 $14.50 w/matboard $19
11x14 w/matboard $48
16x20 w/matboard $88

Creation fee for families of 5 or less is $40, which includes online proofing. If you prefer printed proofs, creation fee is $60 with a $100 deposit for print credit. Creation fees are due at time of booking I ask that you place a $100 minimum order.

When you call to schedule and appointment, we will discuss location, best time for photographing, and clothing options. After we have our appointment, I will have your portraits available for online viewing within 2 weeks. Once you place your order, you can expect it to be ready within 2 weeks. (I say 2 weeks on this, but most of you have found that I work faster, I just would rather not promise it)

These prices are effective 1/1/07, subject to change.

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About Me

I am a daughter to two great parents, a sister to two crazy brothers, a wife, and a mother to Haley, Carson, and Keller. I have been a nurse for 12 years. I love nursing, but since having my children, I have come to realize that there is nothing better than capturing them in photos.